Tha Ngae Chin Myar
Friends Myanmar
Started in 2019, Friends Myanmar is a local NGO. It evolved from a training restaurant, inspired by the Friends-International model, operating in Yangon since 2011.

Saving Lives

Outreach and support to at-risk populations in Yangon is delivered in communities, in markets and on the streets.
The teams provide emergency services to children on the streets and families in communities.
Building Futures

The Program operates a vocational training restaurant (‘Linkage’) and employment services (using the Futures Employment model).
The team provides non-formal education and school reintegration services.
ChildSafe Movement

ChildSafe information is disseminated from the program center to at-risk populations.
The team is developing the ChildSafe Agent network in Yangon.
Advocacy was developed in collaboration with UNICEF towards travelers.
1st floor, No. 141, Seikkantha St, Bet. Mahabandoola & Merchant Roads, Yangon, Myanmar, 11182
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(+95) 9 45193 3034
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