3PC International
3PC (Partnership Program for the Protection of Children) is a world-wide alliance of organizations working together to reinforce global child protection systems

An alliance of NGOs

Friends-International has always fostered and promoted the collaboration between organizations to improve global services. Powered by Friends-International, 3PC (Partnership Program for the Protection of Children – formerly known as the ChildSafe Alliance) was formalized in 2006 to bring together local, regional, national and international alliances of organizations to build more effective global child protection systems
- 3PC members ensure coordination and alignment of service provision
- They engage in active collaborations on pan-global projects
- Members share capacity building resources and good practice replication
- They collaborate effectively with Government services
- They ensure a collective voice to donors and governments through common funding proposals, and advocacy for policies which lead to better child protection systems
- They support the administration of their programs and projects
3PC Cambodia

The Partnership Program for the Protection of Children, Cambodia (3PC Cambodia) is a component of 3PC International under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth (MoSVY) and with technical support from UNICEF-Cambodia.
Government Collaboration

To build efficient systems, it is essential to develop strong partnerships with our global Government partners at central and local levels and have them actively involved with 3PC and Friends Alliance’s work.
- Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation (MoSVY): a highly effective partnership was built with strong support from the Ministry to the Friends-International and Partners’ services and solid engagement within the Partnership Program for the Protection of Children (3PC) . Friends-International has over the years supported MoSVY for the design of material and was key in the development of various policies, including the family reintegration national strategy, working with street population manual and training, and working with migrants.
- Friends-International also entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training and is supporting Government vocational training programs.
- Friends-International in collaboration with Mith Samlanh is working with the Ministry of Health on the issue of drug use, harm reduction and rehabilitation and is an integral part of the National program on HIV/AIDS.
- Friends-International is closely involved with Local Authorities including the Siem Reap Provincial authorities (with a specific MoU) as well as strong work in reinforcing the capacity of DSAVY, OSAVY, and the Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC). In addition, Friends-International works closely with police and the Poipet Transit Center (for Migrants).
- The Peuan Mit Program in Laos is a joint program between Friends-International and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare with the support and involvement of various other Ministries (e.g. Education, Interior, Women).
- Vientiane Municipality is a major partner for our work in and around Vientiane.
We are key players in building child protection systems in Thailand. This includes carrying out research and training. From this work Friends-International built the Child Protection System and developed the Child Protection Policies in Royal Thai Government shelters.Â
A key element of our approach is to build a child protection system in Indonesia. This includes carrying out research and training. From this work, Friends-International, in collaboration with 3PC International partner Teman Baik, built the Child Protection System and developed Child/Beneficiary Protection Policies for public schools across the country in collaboration with UNICEF and the Ministry of Education.
- Friends-International carried out a series of trainings on working with street people, case management and overall social work with various branches of the Government (Central and Local authorities) in 2004, 2005 and 2006.
- In 2017 Friends-International was invited by the Ministry of Social Welfare and UNICEF to a workshop on orphanages which led to an official moratorium on the opening of new orphanages in Myanmar.
Friends-International in collaboration with Friends Suisse and France Volontaires, was instrumental in pushing for the Law on Volunteering that passed in 2020 and for the current advocacy campaign in support of this new law.
Over the years, Friends-International has carried out a series of consultations and presentations (in Washington DC and in South East Asia) to lobby for family preservation and the reduction of orphanages in South East Asia and across the world.
Friends-International in collaboration with Australian cross-party delegations visiting Cambodia provided vital input and evidence into the reform of volunteering and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Australia).
International Networks

Friends-International is also actively involved in various international networks and regular events, including:
- Skoll World Forum On Social Enterprise:
Friends-International is a 2007 Social Enterprise awardee and has subsequently been a frequent participant and contributor to the Skoll World Forum in Oxford, UK.
- World Economic Forum:
Friends-International is a 2009 Social Enterprise awardee of the Schwab Foundation and is a frequent participant and contributor to the World Economic Forums, including Davos, South East Asia and Africa.