Mith Samlanh
Friends Cambodia
Phnom Penh / Kandal
Mith Samlanh (meaning ‘friends’ in Khmer) was started in 1994 by Friends-International. It was officially localized in 2002.

Saving Lives

Child protection, emergency, family support and protection of specific vulnerable groups:
- Teams provide outreach services day and night across the city aiming at street populations, vulnerable communities and specific high risk populations such as drug users and sex workers (and their children).
- Several Drop-in Centers are in operation across city zones providing a range of services based on identified needs (including harm reduction services, health services, hygiene facilities, rest places, education spaces, life skills education, and/or counseling spaces).
- Specialized services are provided, including those targeted at drug users (prevention education, harm reduction, detoxification and rehabilitation) HIV positive persons (harm reduction, support groups, health management…) and sex workers (Night Bus, condom distribution, support to children, Futures Employment services…).
- Emergency services, including Child Protection, response to floods, fires, emergency food support, access to health care.
- ChildSafe teams identify, train and support ChildSafe Agents, who are based on the streets and in communities, bringing child protection and support services to all children at risk or in situations of abuse.
- The program also manages the ChildSafe Hotline for Phnom Penh and Kandal.
Building Futures

Supporting children, youth and families to build a sustainable future:
Futures Education:
Teams provide access to education and ensure children remain in school with early childhood classes, remedial education classes, school reintegration support and support classes.
Futures Employment:
Teams ensure that youth and caretakers access gainful and dignified employment through vocational training, soft skills training, psycho-social support, employment advice and placement in employment or self-employment.
Teams support families and ensure children live in a safe family environment; this can include a stay in a Transitional Home leading to family identification and reintegration or placement in a foster care family when needed, or independent living for older youth are old enough. Support to families and ensuring children live in a safe family, including foster care families when needed.
3PC Cambodia

The Program is an active member of 3PC Cambodia.
ChildSafe Movement

ChildSafe Campaigns:
The team provides information to children, local citizens, and local communities on child protection and the ChildSafe Movement.
P.O. Box 588, #215 Street 13, Sangkat Chey Chumneas Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Call Us
+855 23 220 596
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