Peuan Mit
Friends Lao PDR
Vientiane/Luang Prabang
Started in 2004, Peuan Mit (“Good Friends” in Lao) is a collaboration with the Lao PDR Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, and is managed by Friends-International.

Saving Lives

Services are provided in both Vientiane and Luang Prabang.
Teams provide a wide range of day and night outreach services (first aid, counseling, education, protection and support to access employment in collaboration with the Futures Employment team) in both Vientiane and Luang Prabang, both in the cities and in the surrounding communities. The Vientiane city dump-site is also visited by the teams.
Mobile School:
In Vientiane, a bus goes to remote areas to provide specific support for non-formal education, job readiness training as well as life skills.
Drop-in Center:
Based in the center of the city, it is a place where children and youth can rest, wash, get counseling and support services, basic health care, education and access to the Futures Employment services.
ChildSafe Agents:
Teams identify, train and support ChildSafe Agents based on the streets and in communities, bringing child protection and support services to all children at risk or in situations of abuse.
ChildSafe Hotlines
The program manages the ChildSafe Hotlines in Vientiane and Luang Prabang.
Building Futures

Services are provided in both Vientiane and Luang Prabang.
Futures Education:
Teams provide non-formal education (in collaboration with the Mobile School), as well as support to access public school, and support classes as needed.
Futures Employment:
The Program runs a full Futures Employment project – teams ensure that youth and caregivers access gainful and dignified employment through vocational training, soft skills training, psycho-social support, employment advice and placement in employment or self-employment, both at the Futures office and through the Mobile School.
Teams support families and ensure children live in a safe family environment; this can include a stay in a Transitional Home or a dormitory (for older students), leading to family identification and reintegration, placement in a foster care family when needed or independent living if youth are old enough.
3PC International

The Program coordinates 3PC in Lao PDR : identification and assessment of potential partners, support in close collaboration with the 3PC International team.
ChildSafe Movement

Services are provided in both Vientiane and Luang Prabang, and training is also delivered provincially.
ChildSafe Training
The teams work with local businesses and communities and carry out campaigns directed at international travelers.
Phai Nam Road – P.O. Box 10688, Vientiane, Lao PDR
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