#everydayheroes, Looking Back
Looking Back at 2022

As the year draws to a close, let’s take a little time to look back at just twelve of the many, many stories featuring the work of the #everydayheroes of Friends-International that we have featured here and across our social media channels during 2022.
It was a year of cautious re-openings, of the return to a ‘new normal’, of saving more lives and rebuilding more futures, and of restructuring our programs and projects to be the most effective, with all of this done against the background of an increasingly uncertain world.
Please click on the hyperlinks in the text to learn more about each story…
In January, we featured the Kaliyan Mith program in Siem Reap, Cambodia, as they adapted to the challenges of working under the ‘new normal’. February saw us highlighting the amazing work of just one of our hundreds of ChildSafe Agents, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. To March, where the positive impact of the 3PC/ChildSafe Alliance partnership created an innovative ‘cutting edge’ project!
As we moved through April, we shared more innovation from the team in Yangon, Myanmar. Unrest in the country, plus the ongoing impact of COVID were challenges to operations, however they found ways to work safely around these to ensure those they supported had access to services. Friends Myanmar were in the spotlight again in May, when we updated on their work supporting hundreds of people in these difficult circumstances.
June saw a great story from the Peuan Mit program in Lao PDR – combining emergency support with child protection training for monks and people living in a temple in the north of the country. We featured our Peuan Peuan Thailand team in July – #buildingfutures through supporting a family to start a new business, looking to economic recovery in the wake of the pandemic.
In August, over 100 families were given emergency support by Kaliyan Mith following severe flooding in Cambodia, and in September we had some fantastic news via Friends Suisse on French government support for our advocacy on ChildSafe volunteering.
An ongoing case focused on migrant issues, from the Peuan Peuan team, was featured in October, and in November F3 in Phnom Penh hosted one of the big events of the year, the second Anime Festival!
We’ll close this piece, and the year, with a link to a Mobile Snapshot from December, giving an overview of our education program in Cambodia.
These are just glimpses of the amazing work undertaken by the #everydayheroes of Friends… please visit our Facebook channel, Instagram and You Tube to see much, much more. You can also support our work by visiting this link – https://friends-international.org/donate
Thank you for your wonderful and generous support in 2022, let’s continue to work ‘together, building futures’ throughout 2023!