Cutting Edge Partnership!
The Angkor Hospital for Children (AHC) is a long-standing ChildSafe Alliance/3PC partner organization. They are based in Siem Reap province, Cambodia.
The Friends-International Kaliyan Mith Siem Reap (KMSR) program, also partners in 3PC and the Alliance, have collaborated with AHC on many projects for children over the years. In particular, they have worked together on Family Reintegration projects. They also share good practice in general hygiene across rural primary schools. Through these projects and collaborations, the two organizations have grown to know each other well. They can see that their partnership can truly benefit children and families in Siem Reap.
AHC knew about the Kaliyan Mith Vocational Training project. They were very interested in the possibility of some of their staff taking part. After discussions AHC referred five of their staff to attend the KMSR barber training online class. These started in September last year, along with direct classes under full COVID protection protocols where possible.

Two weeks ago, all the students successfully graduated!

This great collaboration has had several excellent outcomes. AHC staff now have barber skills for life, which will save not only on their family hair cut fees but will mean that they can also cut hair for children at rural primary schools for free. It has also strengthened the already good collaboration between the two organizations – future plans include new KMSR barber students practicing their barbering skills with children who are attending the AHC and need hair cuts!