Phnom Penh tragedy – Latest update

Dear all,

Some fantastic news – Mith Samlanh has found a 10 year old boy who was feared missing after the Koh Pich tragedy.

Staff recognised the young boy during a visit to Kantha Bopha hospital in Phnom Penh as he had spent September living in one of Mith Samlanh’s transitional homes. He left there in November and when outreach teams were unable to find him after the tragedy it was feared he had died in the stampede.
Although he suffers from epilepsy and has some mental health issues which means he is unable to recall much of what happened that night, his general state of health is good and he will now be referred to Mith Samlanh who will help find his family in collaboration with the Government’s Department of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth.

Thanks to all of you, friends of Friends, for the outstanding support you have shown us – we will continue to keep you up to date with our ongoing work with the survivors of this awful tragedy

The Friends and Mith Samlanh teams

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