Graduation Day
Smiles and celebrations were very much in evidence at Club Friends in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Thursday of last week.
It was the chosen venue for the Graduation Awards Celebration Ceremony for students of Mith Samlanh’s Vocational Trainings.
A crowded hall was excited to welcome a very distinguished guest. The Minister for Labor and Vocational Training, His Excellency Seng Hour, presided alongside other dignitaries and the Executive Director of Friends-International, Mr. Sebastien Marot.

Following introductory remarks by Ms. Map Somaya, Director of Mith Samlanh, the Minister took to the podium. He talked about the crucial importance of the Vocational Training program to the young students. His Excellency mentioned how these young students were ‘heroes’ in their families. The Minister also took time to praise the work of the Mith Samlanh teachers. ‘(Mith Samlanh) teachers and staff are working from the heart’ was one comment he made which drew an emotional response from the attending staff.
We also heard from some of the students themselves. They talked about their journey to graduation

Then came the certificate presentation ceremony. The Minister personally congratulated the 50 young student graduates present (out of 105 who actually graduated). Following that and the (very large!) group photograph, the Minister spent time touring the various Vocational Trainings in the center.

Vocational Trainings are an integral part of the Mith Samlanh ‘Building Futures’ project. They transform young lives for the better through hard and soft skills training, with support on graduation for the young people to get into decent employment.
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