Shiny hair, nails AND classrooms!

The Beauty training classroom before renovations
From: Natalie
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
After receiving some wonderful funding from The Australian Embassy, I am very excited to announce…..we have now begun the building renovations for the Beauty/Hair training rooms at the school. We expect to be finished by the end of
the month, with the builders working hard to complete the job.
The students were very excited to empty out their classrooms, in preparation. They had big smiles on their faces at the prospect of moving back into new and upgraded training rooms, complete with new equipment.
Whilst the training rooms are being renovated, the students will all enjoy extra classes of English, Life skills and culture. Since December, the students are all having the opportunity to go on an excursion and visit a Hair/Beauty salon in Phnom Penh. For most of them this will be the first time inside a modern
business to receive a treatment whilst observing and learning. This is a wonderful opportunity for all of them.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the process of applying for this grant, now we can look forward to the students moving back into their classrooms and enjoying the benefits for many years to come!