Mith Samlanh is delighted to announce that the next FunFair will be held in the grounds of the Mith Samlanh Center on Saturday 12th February, 1pm to 5pm – same great FunFair at a...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / Celebrations / Events
by Friends-International · Published January 21, 2011 · Last modified April 22, 2014
Mith Samlanh is delighted to announce that the next FunFair will be held in the grounds of the Mith Samlanh Center on Saturday 12th February, 1pm to 5pm – same great FunFair at a...
Well, it’s a new year. Phew! They seem to pass by so quickly. Everyone at Friends is hard at work supporting our programs, producing our new Makphet Laos cookbook and international product catalogue, planning...
Friends-International / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published December 24, 2010
Dear friends of Friends, 2010 was another year of changes and challenges for us all at Friends – we’re 16 years old now, and still as motivated and dynamic in our efforts to help...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published December 16, 2010
Friends-International is pleased to announce the recent renewal of the Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) license for Mith Samlanh, making it currently the only organization authorized to provide this service in Cambodia NSP’s have...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published December 14, 2010
Dear all, Some fantastic news – Mith Samlanh has found a 10 year old boy who was feared missing after the Koh Pich tragedy. Staff recognised the young boy during a visit to Kantha...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published December 7, 2010
Dear friends of Friends, Thank you again for the overwhelming response from all of you. The teams are extremely happy to receive such support! As promised, here is the latest update on the situation...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published December 2, 2010
Dear all Thank you again for the overwhelming response from all of you: the teams are extremely happy to receive such support! As promised, here is the latest update on the situation after the...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published November 26, 2010
Under its Alternative Care Project (which ensures that at-risk children remain with their families or within a family environment), Friends-International and its partners are intensely involved in identifying children separated from their families and...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / ChildSafe / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published November 26, 2010
Dear friends of Friends Thank you so much for your numerous messages of support. After the tragic stampede, 20 children were missing from the Mith Samlanh centers in Phnom Penh and for 24 hours...
Friends-International / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published October 21, 2010
The opening of Friends-International’s Training and Employment Center (TEC) in Phnom Penh in early July 2010 saw major changes in our approach to production. Founded on our experience of setting up workshop based production...
Our last week in Laos was extremely busy as we still had to complete the other half of the dishes. Thanks to the support of our amazing team, we finished all of the dishes...
News From Our Programs / Thailand - Peuan Peuan
by Friends-International · Published September 29, 2010
Friends-International has become the first international NGO in Thailand to sign up to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which brings together the Royal Thai Government and other agencies to address the issue of the...
Cambodia - Mith Samlanh and Kaliyan Mith / News From Our Programs
by Friends-International · Published September 14, 2010
The students at Mith Samlanh continue to win recognition (and prizes! ) for their artistic abilities – three thought-provoking images on the theme of ‘families’ from Chum Panha (13) and Thy Sokunthea (15) were...
Last Saturday, The Makphet team was invited to take part in a local competition to create dishes made with insects. The event took place in Vientiane and many restaurants competed. Madame Vone and the...
Ghislain and have been back in Cambodia for three weeks which seem to have flown by, leaving us with less time than we’d have liked to work on the cookbook. There has so much...