Sharing best practice with partners and also between programs is another key element of the Friends approach. So, with this in mind the Mith Samlanh Saving Lives Coordinator Pin Sokhom from Phnom Penh visited Kaliyan Mith in Siem Reap, Cambodia last week to deliver a very special training on 7 Tips for Outreach.
The training was developed by Sokhom and Sebastien Marot, Friends Executive Director, and focused upon a very important part of our work, the Outreach element. Outreach is the method whereby we establish contact with our target groups, delivering often life-saving services to them wherever they are, on the streets, in communities, even in prisons. Outreach is also about building very important relationships with them that will encourage them to participate in our programs, and assist them in building their futures.
To get a feel for the situation on the ground in Siem Reap, Sokhom visited all the outreach zones around the city from Monday to Wednesday to observe and learn about team activities and the communities they work in. He then followed up by conducting the training on Thursday to refresh all the Kaliyan Mith social workers on the key tips to make sure the program continues to have a strong and effective impact in all the communities it targets.